Model class API
In the functional API, given some input tensor(s) and output tensor(s), you can instantiate a Model
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, Dense
a = Input(shape=(32,))
b = Dense(32)(a)
model = Model(inputs=a, outputs=b)
This model will include all layers required in the computation of b
given a
In the case of multi-input or multi-output models, you can use lists as well:
model = Model(inputs=[a1, a2], outputs=[b1, b3, b3])
For a detailed introduction of what Model
can do, read this guide to the Keras functional API.
Useful attributes of Model
is a flattened list of the layers comprising the model graph.model.inputs
is the list of input tensors.model.outputs
is the list of output tensors.
compile(self, optimizer, loss, metrics=None, loss_weights=None, sample_weight_mode=None)
Configures the model for training.
- optimizer: str (name of optimizer) or optimizer object. See optimizers.
- loss: str (name of objective function) or objective function. See losses. If the model has multiple outputs, you can use a different loss on each output by passing a dictionary or a list of losses.
- metrics: list of metrics to be evaluated by the model
during training and testing.
Typically you will use
. To specify different metrics for different outputs of a multi-output model, you could also pass a dictionary, such asmetrics={'output_a': 'accuracy'}
. - loss_weights: Optional list or dictionary specifying scalar coefficients (Python floats) to weight the loss contributions of different model outputs. If a list, it is expected to have a 1:1 mapping to the model's outputs. If a tensor, it is expected to map output names (strings) to scalar coefficients.
- sample_weight_mode: if you need to do timestep-wise
sample weighting (2D weights), set this to
defaults to sample-wise weights (1D). If the model has multiple outputs, you can use a differentsample_weight_mode
on each output by passing a dictionary or a list of modes. - **kwargs: when using the Theano backend, these arguments are passed into K.function. Ignored for Tensorflow backend.
- ValueError: In case of invalid arguments for
fit(self, x=None, y=None, batch_size=32, epochs=1, verbose=1, callbacks=None, validation_split=0.0, validation_data=None, shuffle=True, class_weight=None, sample_weight=None, initial_epoch=0)
Trains the model for a fixed number of epochs (iterations on a dataset).
- x: Numpy array of training data, or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple inputs. If all inputs in the model are named, you can also pass a dictionary mapping input names to Numpy arrays.
- y: Numpy array of target data, or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple outputs. If all outputs in the model are named, you can also pass a dictionary mapping output names to Numpy arrays.
- batch_size: integer. Number of samples per gradient update.
- epochs: integer, the number of times to iterate
over the training data arrays.
- verbose: 0, 1, or 2. Verbosity mode. 0 = silent, 1 = verbose, 2 = one log line per epoch.
- callbacks: list of callbacks to be called during training. See callbacks.
- validation_split: float between 0 and 1: fraction of the training data to be used as validation data. The model will set apart this fraction of the training data, will not train on it, and will evaluate the loss and any model metrics on this data at the end of each epoch.
- validation_data: data on which to evaluate the loss and any model metrics at the end of each epoch. The model will not be trained on this data. This could be a tuple (x_val, y_val) or a tuple (x_val, y_val, val_sample_weights).
- shuffle: boolean, whether to shuffle the training data before each epoch.
- class_weight: optional dictionary mapping class indices (integers) to a weight (float) to apply to the model's loss for the samples from this class during training. This can be useful to tell the model to "pay more attention" to samples from an under-represented class.
- sample_weight: optional array of the same length as x, containing weights to apply to the model's loss for each sample. In the case of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples, sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of every sample. In this case you should make sure to specify sample_weight_mode="temporal" in compile().
- initial_epoch: epoch at which to start training (useful for resuming a previous training run)
A History
instance. Its history
attribute contains
all information collected during training.
- ValueError: In case of mismatch between the provided input data and what the model expects.
evaluate(self, x, y, batch_size=32, verbose=1, sample_weight=None)
Returns the loss value & metrics values for the model in test mode.
Computation is done in batches.
- x: Numpy array of test data, or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple inputs. If all inputs in the model are named, you can also pass a dictionary mapping input names to Numpy arrays.
- y: Numpy array of target data, or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple outputs. If all outputs in the model are named, you can also pass a dictionary mapping output names to Numpy arrays.
- batch_size: integer. Number of samples per gradient update.
- verbose: verbosity mode, 0 or 1.
- sample_weight: Array of weights to weight the contribution of different samples to the loss and metrics.
Scalar test loss (if the model has a single output and no metrics)
or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs
and/or metrics). The attribute model.metrics_names
will give you
the display labels for the scalar outputs.
predict(self, x, batch_size=32, verbose=0)
Generates output predictions for the input samples.
Computation is done in batches.
- x: the input data, as a Numpy array (or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple outputs).
- batch_size: integer.
- verbose: verbosity mode, 0 or 1.
Numpy array(s) of predictions.
- ValueError: In case of mismatch between the provided input data and the model's expectations, or in case a stateful model receives a number of samples that is not a multiple of the batch size.
train_on_batch(self, x, y, sample_weight=None, class_weight=None)
Runs a single gradient update on a single batch of data.
- x: Numpy array of training data, or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple inputs. If all inputs in the model are named, you can also pass a dictionary mapping input names to Numpy arrays.
- y: Numpy array of target data, or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple outputs. If all outputs in the model are named, you can also pass a dictionary mapping output names to Numpy arrays.
- sample_weight: optional array of the same length as x, containing weights to apply to the model's loss for each sample. In the case of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples, sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of every sample. In this case you should make sure to specify sample_weight_mode="temporal" in compile().
- class_weight: optional dictionary mapping lass indices (integers) to a weight (float) to apply to the model's loss for the samples from this class during training. This can be useful to tell the model to "pay more attention" to samples from an under-represented class.
Scalar training loss
(if the model has a single output and no metrics)
or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs
and/or metrics). The attribute model.metrics_names
will give you
the display labels for the scalar outputs.
test_on_batch(self, x, y, sample_weight=None)
Test the model on a single batch of samples.
- x: Numpy array of test data, or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple inputs. If all inputs in the model are named, you can also pass a dictionary mapping input names to Numpy arrays.
- y: Numpy array of target data, or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple outputs. If all outputs in the model are named, you can also pass a dictionary mapping output names to Numpy arrays.
- sample_weight: optional array of the same length as x, containing weights to apply to the model's loss for each sample. In the case of temporal data, you can pass a 2D array with shape (samples, sequence_length), to apply a different weight to every timestep of every sample. In this case you should make sure to specify sample_weight_mode="temporal" in compile().
Scalar test loss (if the model has a single output and no metrics)
or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs
and/or metrics). The attribute model.metrics_names
will give you
the display labels for the scalar outputs.
predict_on_batch(self, x)
Returns predictions for a single batch of samples.
- x: Input samples, as a Numpy array.
Numpy array(s) of predictions.
Fits the model on data yielded batch-by-batch by a Python generator.
The generator is run in parallel to the model, for efficiency. For instance, this allows you to do real-time data augmentation on images on CPU in parallel to training your model on GPU.
- generator: a generator.
The output of the generator must be either
- a tuple (inputs, targets)
- a tuple (inputs, targets, sample_weights).
All arrays should contain the same number of samples.
The generator is expected to loop over its data
indefinitely. An epoch finishes when
samples have been seen by the model.
- steps_per_epoch: Total number of steps (batches of samples)
to yield from
before declaring one epoch finished and starting the next epoch. It should typically be equal to the number of unique samples if your dataset divided by the batch size. - epochs: integer, total number of iterations on the data.
- verbose: verbosity mode, 0, 1, or 2.
- callbacks: list of callbacks to be called during training.
- validation_data: this can be either
- a generator for the validation data
- a tuple (inputs, targets)
- a tuple (inputs, targets, sample_weights).
- validation_steps: Only relevant if
is a generator. Total number of steps (batches of samples) to yield fromgenerator
before stopping. - class_weight: dictionary mapping class indices to a weight for the class.
- max_q_size: maximum size for the generator queue
- workers: maximum number of processes to spin up when using process based threading
- pickle_safe: if True, use process based threading. Note that because this implementation relies on multiprocessing, you should not pass non picklable arguments to the generator as they can't be passed easily to children processes.
- initial_epoch: epoch at which to start training (useful for resuming a previous training run)
A History
def generate_arrays_from_file(path):
while 1:
f = open(path)
for line in f:
# create numpy arrays of input data
# and labels, from each line in the file
x1, x2, y = process_line(line)
yield ({'input_1': x1, 'input_2': x2}, {'output': y})
samples_per_epoch=10000, epochs=10)
- ValueError: In case the generator yields data in an invalid format.
Evaluates the model on a data generator.
The generator should return the same kind of data
as accepted by test_on_batch
- Arguments:
- generator: Generator yielding tuples (inputs, targets) or (inputs, targets, sample_weights)
- steps: Total number of steps (batches of samples)
to yield from
before stopping. - max_q_size: maximum size for the generator queue
- workers: maximum number of processes to spin up when using process based threading
- pickle_safe: if True, use process based threading. Note that because this implementation relies on multiprocessing, you should not pass non picklable arguments to the generator as they can't be passed easily to children processes.
Scalar test loss (if the model has a single output and no metrics)
or list of scalars (if the model has multiple outputs
and/or metrics). The attribute model.metrics_names
will give you
the display labels for the scalar outputs.
- ValueError: In case the generator yields data in an invalid format.
Generates predictions for the input samples from a data generator.
The generator should return the same kind of data as accepted by
- generator: Generator yielding batches of input samples.
- steps: Total number of steps (batches of samples)
to yield from
before stopping. - max_q_size: Maximum size for the generator queue.
- workers: Maximum number of processes to spin up when using process based threading
- pickle_safe: If
, use process based threading. Note that because this implementation relies on multiprocessing, you should not pass non picklable arguments to the generator as they can't be passed easily to children processes.
Numpy array(s) of predictions.
- ValueError: In case the generator yields data in an invalid format.
get_layer(self, name=None, index=None)
Retrieves a layer based on either its name (unique) or index.
Indices are based on order of horizontal graph traversal (bottom-up).
- name: String, name of layer.
- index: Integer, index of layer.
A layer instance.
- ValueError: In case of invalid layer name or index.