


Provides a scope that changes to _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS cannot escape.

Code within a with statement will be able to access custom objects by name. Changes to global custom objects persist within the enclosing with statement. At end of the with statement, global custom objects are reverted to state at beginning of the with statement.


Consider a custom object MyObject

with CustomObjectScope({'MyObject':MyObject}):
    layer = Dense(..., kernel_regularizer='MyObject')
    # save, load, etc. will recognize custom object by name



keras.utils.io_utils.HDF5Matrix(datapath, dataset, start=0, end=None, normalizer=None)

Representation of HDF5 dataset to be used instead of a Numpy array.


x_data = HDF5Matrix('input/file.hdf5', 'data')

Providing start and end allows use of a slice of the dataset.

Optionally, a normalizer function (or lambda) can be given. This will be called on every slice of data retrieved.


  • datapath: string, path to a HDF5 file
  • dataset: string, name of the HDF5 dataset in the file specified in datapath
  • start: int, start of desired slice of the specified dataset
  • end: int, end of desired slice of the specified dataset
  • normalizer: function to be called on data when retrieved


An array-like HDF5 dataset.


to_categorical(y, num_classes=None)

Converts a class vector (integers) to binary class matrix.

E.g. for use with categorical_crossentropy.


  • y: class vector to be converted into a matrix (integers from 0 to num_classes).
  • num_classes: total number of classes.


A binary matrix representation of the input.


normalize(x, axis=-1, order=2)

Normalizes a Numpy array.


  • x: Numpy array to normalize.
  • axis: axis along which to normalize.
  • order: Normalization order (e.g. 2 for L2 norm).


A normalized copy of the array.



Provides a scope that changes to _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS cannot escape.

Convenience wrapper for CustomObjectScope. Code within a with statement will be able to access custom objects by name. Changes to global custom objects persist within the enclosing with statement. At end of the with statement, global custom objects are reverted to state at beginning of the with statement.


Consider a custom object MyObject

with custom_object_scope({'MyObject':MyObject}):
layer = Dense(..., kernel_regularizer='MyObject')
# save, load, etc. will recognize custom object by name


  • *args: Variable length list of dictionaries of name, class pairs to add to custom objects.


Object of type CustomObjectScope.



Retrieves a live reference to the global dictionary of custom objects.

Updating and clearing custom objects using custom_object_scope is preferred, but get_custom_objects can be used to directly access _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS.


get_custom_objects()['MyObject'] = MyObject


Global dictionary of names to classes (_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS).




deserialize_keras_object(identifier, module_objects=None, custom_objects=None, printable_module_name='object')


get_file(fname, origin, untar=False, md5_hash=None, file_hash=None, cache_subdir='datasets', hash_algorithm='auto', extract=False, archive_format='auto', cache_dir=None)

Downloads a file from a URL if it not already in the cache.

By default the file at the url origin is downloaded to the cache_dir ~/.keras, placed in the cache_subdir datasets, and given the filename fname. The final location of a file example.txt would therefore be ~/.keras/datasets/example.txt.

Files in tar, tar.gz, tar.bz, and zip formats can also be extracted. Passing a hash will verify the file after download. The command line programs shasum and sha256sum can compute the hash.


  • fname: Name of the file. If an absolute path /path/to/file.txt is specified the file will be saved at that location.
  • origin: Original URL of the file.
  • untar: Deprecated in favor of 'extract'. boolean, whether the file should be decompressed
  • md5_hash: Deprecated in favor of 'file_hash'. md5 hash of the file for verification
  • file_hash: The expected hash string of the file after download. The sha256 and md5 hash algorithms are both supported.
  • cache_subdir: Subdirectory under the Keras cache dir where the file is saved. If an absolute path /path/to/folder is specified the file will be saved at that location.
  • hash_algorithm: Select the hash algorithm to verify the file. options are 'md5', 'sha256', and 'auto'. The default 'auto' detects the hash algorithm in use.
  • extract: True tries extracting the file as an Archive, like tar or zip.
  • archive_format: Archive format to try for extracting the file. Options are 'auto', 'tar', 'zip', and None. 'tar' includes tar, tar.gz, and tar.bz files. The default 'auto' is ['tar', 'zip']. None or an empty list will return no matches found.
  • cache_dir: Location to store cached files, when None it defaults to the Keras Directory.


Path to the downloaded file



Converts all convolution kernels in a model from Theano to TensorFlow.

Also works from TensorFlow to Theano.


  • model: target model for the conversion.


plot_model(model, to_file='model.png', show_shapes=False, show_layer_names=True, rankdir='TB')

Converts a Keras model to dot format and save to a file.


  • model: A Keras model instance
  • to_file: File name of the plot image.
  • show_shapes: whether to display shape information.
  • show_layer_names: whether to display layer names.
  • rankdir: rankdir argument passed to PyDot, a string specifying the format of the plot: 'TB' creates a vertical plot; 'LR' creates a horizontal plot.